Thursday, March 19, 2009

Update- Huge update.

Upon moving out of town, I quit college. And I didn't have any plan other than get some money, get back into school. I got to Altanta and I got jobs here and there but didn't save any money up.
I met a boyfriend who I moved in with Jan 1st 09, and we had our 6 months march 16 09.
Happy times these might be, I am faced with this blog that gives me a real timeline of my theatre experience. I started out loving it so much I was dreaming of it. And steadily my tone becomes more and more bitter and pushed out and frustrated.
Also I realized that my struggle with loving theatre over writing was a just thought, and a thought I freely accept now. And I'm happy that it only took me a few years to figure out what the one thing I could do with my life is. Like its always been there but never slapped me in the face until I had to think about it seriously for a long time, and review my feelings.
Reading from blog one to most recent makes me realize how much of a passion I had for my work in theatre, and how much I complained about it at the same time. But if that had all been work in writing, I wouldn't be here with a wonderful boyfriend.
Now that the rest of my life's together, I know I can learn to dedicate myself to a quest for a degree. This time, in writing. I know I'm happy with myself and how my life's going when I look into what I had and have done.
Thank goddess for blogs and diaries.

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