Sunday, January 02, 2005

Lida Rose, I'm home again rose...

I chose this background/template for this blog, because it matches all of my entries, its black, and that's the color of theater! well, to me, the techie/prop mistress/running crew/light booth me.
Lida Rose, I loved that song. we did about seven shows, and each night i lookee forward to hearing the quartet, but only for that one song. Music man was one of my first shows. I was in it, behind it, (rarely) over it, under it and I was there through everything.
By the end of it, The cast was practicly family. That dosnt mean we all got along, it means we all learned the litle tricks some of us pull, and we've learned to keep our mouths shut about them.
I learned a lot from that show. And about community theater, here's the secret: hot glue and safety pins! Another hint, for those on stage, the director's always right, because if the director's wants are criticized, they will go around it and over it until everything seems to pull together, and in the end it IS what the director wanted in the first place.
Though it seems Music Man was my first big step into the wing and behind the curtain, I had many more new experiences to go through, and it's a little funny, but my scars from the bakstage stairs to the green room have almost healed, and i'm still humming that same simple tune...

Lida Rose, I'm home again rose... to get the sun back in the sky...

1 comment:

Lydia Daffenberg said...

I really enjoy your writing and reading about your experiences!